Bible Study
RCCG Praise House 6240 Brewbaker BLVD, MontgomeryDonec quam felis, ultricies nec, pell entes que eu, pretium quis id.
Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pell entes que eu, pretium quis id.
Would you like to improve your prayer life? Do you have issues you want to prayer about? Would you like time out to pray with brethren? Then join intercessors on every Friday at the church for a time of prayer
Would you like to improve your prayer life? Do you have issues you want to prayer about? Would you like time out to pray with brethren? Then join intercessors on every Friday at the church for a time of prayer
Would you like to improve your prayer life? Do you have issues you want to prayer about? Would you like time out to pray with brethren? Then join intercessors on every Friday at the church for a time of prayer
Would you like to improve your prayer life? Do you have issues you want to prayer about? Would you like time out to pray with brethren? Then join intercessors on every Friday at the church for a time of prayer
Would you like to improve your prayer life? Do you have issues you want to prayer about? Would you like time out to pray with brethren? Then join intercessors on every Friday at the church for a time of prayer
Would you like to improve your prayer life? Do you have issues you want to prayer about? Would you like time out to pray with brethren? Then join intercessors on every Friday at the church for a time of prayer
Join us in understanding Love God's way.
Join us in Christmas Carol Party
Praise Night on May 24th, 6:00PM Dinner on May 25th, 5:00PM Thanks Giving on May 26th, 11:00AM